How is The Educators different from other competitor tutoring services?

At The Educators all of our tutors are certified and licensed teachers who also happen to specialize in urban education. This assures students and guardians alike that each student is getting quality tutoring services. Each of our tutors also bring unique skills to the table. For example, while one tutor may have a numerous amount of experience, other tutors may have higher academic degrees.

What is your philosophy as a company?

The Educators believes in the power of education. We also know that each student is brilliant and talented in their own way. As educators, we understand how difficult it is for classroom teachers to maximize every students’ genius and that’s why we started this company. The Educators wants every child to have access to quality education because education should not be a privilege but a basic necessity.

How can I book an appointment?

To book an appointment simply click the “Book Now” button on the top right hand corner of any page or click the “Book Now” button on the Home page and you will be redirected to our appointment page.

What subjects/grades do you offer?

We currently offer English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics services. In terms of grade levels, we specialize in grades 9 through 12 (high school level) but we tutor in a range of grade levels. Make an appointment to speak to one of our educators for grades available and more detailed information.

Are sessions in-person or virtual?

Although we first started off as a strictly virtual provider, we do have in-person options available. Ask one of our educators how in-person works by either filling out our question form located in our “contact” tab or contacting us directly via appointment which can be made in our “Book Now” button .

How long is each session?

Regardless of the subject and grade level, each session runs for 55 minutes.

What is your cancellation policy?

Cancellation: If you need to cancel your session for any reason, make sure to do so at least 24 hours before your appointment time to avoid a 50% cancelling fee charge.

Late: If students are running late, the tutor will only allow a 15 minute grace period before cancelling the session. Any lateness will be deducted from the session time.

No Show: If the session is cancelled due to a “no show” from a student, you will be charged regardless and no refund will be issued.