Our Services

Grade Levels

We here at The Educators specialize in grades 9 through 12 however, due to our wide variety of educators and their experiences, we are more than welcome to accommodate to our tutees’ needs. Contact us for more grades available.

English Language Arts.

English Language Arts (ELA) is offered for junior high (6th-8th) and all high school grade levels (9th-12th). Our ELA educators cover all aspects of English as they are experts in speaking/listening, reading, and writing. Some of our educators offer college preparation and assistance as well.


Mathematics is offered for junior high (6th-8th) and all high school grade levels (9th-12th). Our math educators are experts in algebra, geometry, calculus an statistics. Some of our educators offer SAT/ACT preparation and assistance as well.

NEW: Career Advisement.

We understand that not all schools offer career advisement so we’ve gathered our most qualified educators to skillfully create a personalized plan for anyone seeking career help. The great thing about this service is that our educators work with all types of experience backgrounds and ages and all ages.

NEW: College Advisement

Similar to career advisement, students, of all ages, work closely with our educators to create a personalized plan that satisfies their individual needs and desires out of their collegial journey. Our qualified advisors have already helped multiple students choose the correct path for them. In addition, our educators come from a variety of collegial background experiences ranging from second generation college graduates to first generation undocumented graduates!



$70 per session (55 minutes)

Pay as you go option

With this option, you pay as you go, no commitment necessary. We advise you to chose this option for students who are learning with us for the first time.


$520/8 sessions

Pre-paid 8 sessions bundle option

With this option, you get the most bang for your buck! We have tailored this option for students who are committed to their learning but also would like to save some cash along the way! This option saves you a total of $40.00.

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid"

- Albert Einstein